Quelques autres parutions à surveiller cet hiver

Des expériences littéraires d’auteurs aguerris (Neuvel, Burton), un premier roman qui semble prometteur (Bourdeau) et quelques « buzz books » (en VO ou en traduction), la liste des lectures de 2019 s’allonge tranquillement.

Résumé :One night in an isolated college town in the hills of Southern California, a first-year student stumbles into her dorm room, falls asleep—and doesn’t wake up. She sleeps through the morning, into the evening. Her roommate, Mei, cannot rouse her. Neither can the paramedics, nor the perplexed doctors at the hospital. When a second girl falls asleep, and then a third, Mei finds herself thrust together with an eccentric classmate as panic takes hold of the college and spreads to the town. A young couple tries to protect their newborn baby as the once-quiet streets descend into chaos. Two sisters turn to each other for comfort as their survivalist father prepares for disaster. Those affected by the illness, doctors discover, are displaying unusual levels of brain activity, higher than has ever been recorded before. They are dreaming heightened dreams—but of what?
Date de parution : en librairie.

Résumé : Tracker is known far and wide for his skills as a hunter: “He has a nose,” people say. Engaged to track down a mysterious boy who disappeared three years earlier, Tracker breaks his own rule of always working alone when he finds himself part of a group that comes together to search for the boy. The band is a hodgepodge, full of unusual characters with secrets of their own, including a shape-shifting man-animal known as Leopard. As Tracker follows the boy’s scent–from one ancient city to another; into dense forests and across deep rivers–he and the band are set upon by creatures intent on destroying them. As he struggles to survive, Tracker starts to wonder: Who, really, is this boy? Why has he been missing for so long? Why do so many people want to keep Tracker from finding him? And perhaps the most important questions of all: Who is telling the truth, and who is lying?
Date de parution : 5 février 2019.

Résumé : Britain, the not-too-distant future.Idir is sitting the British Citizenship Test.He wants his family to belong.Twenty-five questions to determine their fate. Twenty-five chances to impress. When the test takes an unexpected and tragic turn, Idir is handed the power of life and death.How do you value a life when all you have is multiple choice?
Date de parution : 12 février 2019.

Résumé : Riche propriétaire terrien du Kentucky, Henry Forge dédie sa vie à la recherche de la combinaison génétique idéale pour créer le cheval parfait, une machine de course imbattable et grandiose. Digne héritier d’une famille autoritaire habituée depuis des décennies à posséder, commander, dominer, il fait tout plier à sa volonté, la génétique comme sa fille unique, Henrietta, à qui il transmet son obsession. Dans une ville voisine, Allmon Shaughnessy, un jeune homme noir élevé dans les quartiers pauvres par une mère souffrante, grandit dans un monde de discriminations et d’injustices où les violences policières sont légion. Déterminé à changer le cours de son destin et à conquérir la fortune qu’il mérite, Allmon arrive chez les Forge : garçon d’écurie au talent rare et à l’ambition dévorante, il va mener à la victoire une pouliche de légende, Hellsmouth, bouleverser l’équilibre malsain de la famille et découvrir l’envers du rêve américain.
Date de parution : février 2019.

Résumé : For her twelve daughters, Queen Laurelia’s death in a motor car accident is a disaster beyond losing a mother. Their father, King Alberto, cannot bear the idea of the princesses ever being in danger and decides his daughters must be kept safe at all costs. Those costs include their lessons, their possessions and, most importantly, their freedom. But the eldest, Princess Frida, will not bend to his will without a fight and she still has one possession her father can’t take: the power of her imagination. And so, with little but wits and ingenuity to rely on, Frida and her sisters begin their fight to be allowed to live.
Date de parution : 5 mars 2019.

Résumé : C’est l’histoire de deux amis qui traversent ensemble l’enfance, puis l’adolescence, et qui atterrissent à l’âge adulte le coeur entaillé. C’est l’histoire d’un jeune homme maladroit, le narrateur, un peu trop tendre pour la brutalité du monde, mais prêt pour ses plaisirs. C’est l’histoire d’un parcours fulgurant, celui de son ami Grégoire, et des obstacles qui l’attendent. C’est aussi l’histoire d’une société affolée par les nouveaux visages de la violence. C’est enfin une histoire de pouvoir, de déboires et d’amour. Mais avant tout, c’est l’histoire de deux petits garçons.
Date de parution : mars 2019.